Free Early Education Entitlement is available to all children from the term after their third birthday. The current government allocation is for up to 15 hours per week for a maximum of 38 weeks per year.
The funding is available as follows:
Children whose third birthday falls before the 31st August will be funded from the Autumn term.
Children whose third birthday falls before the 31st December will be funded from the Spring term.
Children whose third birthday falls before the 31st March will be funded from the Summer term.
Some children may be eligible to receive FEEE entitlement following the trem after their 2nd birthday. The two year old fnding is designed to support parents/carers on a low income and eligibility depends on whether or not you are accessing certain benefits.
Leicestershire County Council reserve the right to withhold funding in cases of unexplained absence, so please let us know if your child is unwell and unable to come to pre-school, or if you are taking holiday during term time.
Extended entitlement funding is now available for working parents of 3 and 4 year old children allowing eligible parents to claim up to 30 hours free funding. Parents can check their eligibility by visiting